
Based on a National Taxpayers Union report, it estimates that local assessors have over-valued 60% of taxable properties in the United States. ( As a result, the values used by the assessors are not in line with the current real estate market. This means that your property may have received an appraisal value that is considerably higher than other similar properties located in close proximity and may have resulted in an unfair property assessment for tax year 2010.  As a property owner, you have the right to appeal your 2011 appraised value to ensure that it reflects fair market value based on current real estate market conditions.


We are former county assessor employees who perform real property reviews and appeal services for our clients, property owners in the State of Georgia. We are experienced in performing annual assessment reviews, filing and presenting tax appeal cases to local tax assessors and assessment boards. We are also qualified to assist clients in obtaining abatements and exemptions, many of which clients are not aware are available to them.

Our experience and expertise will provide you the property owner with personalized consulting services to help you obtain fair property valuations and lower taxes. Our full-service representation includes:

Our services are designed for residential, commercial and exempt property types. We evaluate and consider comparable sales, building measurements, property characteristics, comparable property assessments, and area market data.  We can provide services for one property or for a group of properties. We can customize our services to fit your needs. 

call us (404) 795-6160, or subscribe to our newsletter: